Strategy – DIG

Strategy Diversity, Inclusion & Equality (DIE)

Diversity, Inclusion & Equality (DIE) are concepts that are now essential in our society, both nationally and internationally. A sustainable society cannot exist without an inclusive policy that recognizes and values differences. Organizations have various reasons for wanting to work towards an inclusive policy. In addition to the social importance, commercial interests also play a role. Furthermore, legislation is being developed to promote the transition towards greater equal opportunities in the workplace.


"Where do I start, and how do I do it?" These are the questions we receive the most. Sparkling Gems is here to help.


For organizations that want to develop a structured policy, there is the DIE audit for a zero or intermediate measurement. Our approach to this consists of:


  • Getting a clear strategy (case for change) for DIE
  • An overview of the existing HR Analytics indicators related to DIE
  • Interviews with relevant stakeholders for an inclusion scan
  • Review of existing processes and protocols
  • Mapping of existing best practices
  • A roadmap with interventions that lead to the desired goal


Additionally, it is also possible to perform a pay gap analysis. If you want to investigate the gender pay gap in your organization, identify the causes, and how to address them, please do not hesitate to contact us on


Any questions? Feel free to contact us.

Ashmita Krishna Sharma