

Double Materiality Assessment

Every strategy and report starts with determining the so-called material sustainability themes. Where are the negative and positive impacts on people, the environment, and the economy in your value chain? What can you do about them? Which societal challenges can you contribute to? These are questions that we would like to answer together with you in a materiality analysis. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has double materiality as a fundamental principle. At 2Impact, we have gained extensive experience with this.

Sustainability reporting

A report makes your sustainability performance transparent. This allows you to show stakeholders what your contribution is to sustainable development, what activities you undertake to achieve this, and what your performance is. 2Impact is a specialist in regulations, frameworks, and standards for sustainability reporting. We are happy to map out the relevant reporting landscape for you, set the ambition together, and guide and advise you during the preparation of your report. Together with our partners in design and copywriting, we take care of you during the report creation process.

Strategy on Climate for businesses

2Impact is a sustainability consultancy firm that can help your business address the challenge of climate change. We offer support in setting goals and developing a climate plan, and work with our partner New Economy to conduct a carbon footprint analysis and identify key drivers. Contact us to learn more.

Strategy - Circularity

The transition towards a circular economy is crucial when we consider the growing world population and the availability of resources. Resources are becoming scarcer. Circular business models provide an answer to this and contribute at the same time to reducing other environmental impacts. 2Impact helps you with an integral approach in developing your circularity roadmap.

Strategy – DIG

Diversity, Inclusion & Equality (DIG) are concepts that are now essential in our society, both nationally and internationally. A sustainable society cannot exist without an inclusive policy that recognizes and values differences. Organizations have various reasons for wanting to work towards an inclusive policy. In addition to the social importance, commercial interests also play a role. Furthermore, legislation is being developed to promote the transition towards greater equal opportunities in the workplace.